
Behind Sheikh Wasajja Kiruuta’s defection to Kibuli

In a shocking turn of events, Sheikh Badrudeen Wasajja Kiruuta, formerly the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) district Kadhi for Masaka, announced his defection to the Kibuli-based Office of the Supreme Mufti.

On Tuesday, Wasajja traveled to Kibuli for a closed-door meeting with the Supreme Mufti, Sheikh Shaban Muhammad Galabuzi, before being presented to the media for a brief interaction.

“I haven’t been dismissed by Old Kampala [UMSC] nor have I received any financial inducements from Kibuli [Office of the Supreme Mufti], but I have been driven by the urge to unite the Muslims of Masaka,” Wasajja told journalists.

Strengthening the unity and coordination of Muslim affairs in the country, he said, was the key driver of his switch of allegiance.

However, sources familiar with the developments say he agreed to a deal to replace Sheikh Sulait Ssentongo as the Supreme District Kadhi for Masaka.

Sheikh Ssentongo requested retirement on health grounds, 13 months after he was formally sworn in as Kadhi.

Ssentongo’s unexpected desire to retire caused panic within the Kibuli-allied Muslim leadership in Masaka, prompting them to seek a possible successor.

His 1st deputy, Sheikh Hamidu Mugera, is seen by some as a “Tabligh” and therefore not fit for the job, as he would face difficulties attending traditional Islamic ceremonies like celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – the Mawlid – and funeral prayers (Du’a).

Interestingly, Sheikh Mugera attended the 129th commemoration of Prince Nuhu Mbogo’s return from exile at Kibuli on June 30.

Meanwhile, the 1st deputy Supreme Mufti, Sheikh Mahad Kakooza, and Sheikh Bruhani Bagunduse had been engaging Wasajja Kiruuta to switch to Kibuli and replace Ssentongo.

Wasajja replaced Bagunduse as Masaka district Kadhi after his sacking by UMSC on allegations of abuse of office.

Months later, Bagunduse, accompanied by prominent Muslims in Masaka, went to Kibuli and swore allegiance to Galabuzi’s leadership.

In a cautiously written statement, the Office of the Supreme Mufti made no indication of Sheikh Wasajja’s possible appointment as the Supreme Kadhi for Masaka, although Wasajja hinted at occupying the office during his interaction with the media at Kibuli.

“My focus is serving the Muslims of Masaka; it would be great to occupy the same office from which my father, Sheikh Huzairu Kiruuta, served,” he said.

Sheikh Huzairu Kiruuta served as Masaka district Kadhi for 35 years until 2010, following his ouster due to divisions within the Muslim community.

In an interview with UMSC’s Radio Bilal, Wasajja said taking up the position would give him an opportunity to superintendent over a larger community than the one he had under the Old Kampala administration.

“If there is a message I want to put across, it will be limited to about 20 people who come to pray with us, yet the other side has a larger following,” he said.

Wasajja was installed as Masaka district Kadhi on October 29, 2022, by the Mufti, Sheikh Shaban Ramathan Mubaje. He leaves the office after serving for only 20 months.

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