
Busia in Shs 45 million drive for new Kadhi

by Abdussalaam Ali Kinobe

Muslims in the eastern Uganda border district of Busia are hunting for Shs 45 million for Sheikh Saifuddin Zubair’s installation as Supreme Kadhi.

The Kibuli-inclined Kadhi will be installed on September 14, the same day he will unveil a plan to redevelop the Busia Muslim district headquarters.

On May 31, Sheikh Saifuddin received a major boost from Salam TV and Salam Charity that led a fundraising drive from which more than Shs 6 million was realised.

The event was preceded by Jumah prayers held at Busia new taxi park with the day’s preacher,  Sheikh Nuuman Muhammad Mbogo, encouraging Muslims to be mindful of how they will be remembered for after their death.

He noted that a person’s legacy does not stop with his inheritors but the positive impact will be reflected in the lives of others several years after your demise.

Addressing the congegation, the Busia Municipality mayor, Sadiq Amin, emphasized the importance of unity and collaboration for development, regardless of the different religious and political affiliations.

Hajji Karim Kaliisa, the managing director of Salam Charity and Salam TV expressed gratitude to the Muslim community in Busia for their unity and commitment to development. He pledged Salam Charity and Salam TV’s continued support for their activities.

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