
Imams Cautioned on Begging

Renowned Muslim cleric and activist, Immam Kasozi has advised Imams to keep out of their mosques what he termed as an archaic practice of begging from Muslims that come in to pray.

“Devise other means of generating revenue for your mosques other than telling worshippers of some endless need that you cannot explain,” Immam Kasozi said.

He was addressing mourners during the burial of Hajji Muzamir Menyha at Nakibembe near Idudi township in Bugweri district on December 29, 2022.

“That practice is archaic, you should stop it and think of alternative ways of getting Muslims to contribute towards the various causes you have as a mosque. Put donation boxes in the mosques where worshippers can put their contributions without being coerced to give. This is what I do at Mawanga [Munyonyo] mosque. That is a better method than the practice of openly pointing out some Muslims and coercing them to give,” Kasozi said, further advising the Imams to be transparent.

“Open the boxes once a month and give full accountability of the collections. If you are accountable, the Muslims will donate.”

Recently, The Friday Call wrote about how the incessant begging by Sheikhs was turning Muslims away from mosques.

He also asked the Imams to drop the mentality of asking for handouts whenever they are invited to events.

“Be self-reliant,” he said. “There are three things that I never ask for whenever I get invited to any sort of function or conference; I never ask for transport, meals and accommodation. That is the standard I set for myself. If by any chance the organizers provide them, fa alhamudulillah! They come as bonuses.”

Hajji Menyha was a celebrated educationist who rose through the ranks from a classroom teacher in the 1970s to a municipal education officer in Masaka and Mbale before his deployment to Iganga as the District Education Officer.

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