
Luwero needy Muslims receive cattle, goats to improve incomes

69 families in Luwero Muslim district have received goats and cattle in efforts by the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council and DirectAid, a Kuwait nonprofit to tackle widespread poverty.

50 families each received 7 goats while 19 families each received a cow, as part of a project that aims to support communities in generating income and improving their economic conditions. Cows and goats can be valuable assets in rural areas as they provide milk, meat, and other by-products that can be sold or consumed by the families themselves.

Mululi Mukasa, the Minister for Public Services who handed over the animals, urged the beneficiaries to use this chance to get into the money economy.

“You have got the ball in your hands and it’s now upon you to shoot into the net. Such programs have been lobbied by the government through generous organizations like DirectAid and others,” he said.

Sheikh Mulindwa Ramadhan, the District Kadhi of Luwero highlighted the importance and recognition of the initiative.

“All Thanks are due to Allah. This has been the UMSC call of all Muslims towards unity and development. Such programs are not discriminatory but they must find us united,” Mulindwa noted.

Adding “We shall continue to uplift the living standards of the rural population by sensitizing the masses to use the resources available in their means such as land, as we urge our friends like DirectAid and other charitable organizations and institutions to render more support.”

Luwero Muslim district is composed of 350 mosques, with Wankaanya and Kiberenge used as pilots for the project.

Miriam Kaberuka the Deputy RDC Luwero district pledged support to the project, noting the intervention will uplift communities out of poverty.

“The distribution of cows and goats to the families is a positive step towards creating sustainable development and improving the lives of individuals in rural communities in Uganda. We pledge to provide necessary support to such organizations as government,” Kaberuka said.

Mustafa the country director at DirectAid welcomed the partnership, noting it will help ease poverty indicators in Uganda.

“It is commendable to see the collaboration between the DirectAid, the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council, and Luwero Muslim District in implementing this community support program. Such partnerships are essential for addressing poverty and promoting social welfare by combining resources, expertise, and local knowledge,” he said.

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