
Majlis Ulama sits to replace Sheikh Ssemmambo as Deputy Mufti


By Isa Kigongo

The Majlis al Ulama, the second highest organ of the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) convened on Thursday to among others fill the position of 2nd Deputy Mufti that has been vacant ever since the elevation of Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa as Deputy Mufti.

Waiswa’s elevation followed the censure of Sheikh Abdallah Ssemmambo who was the 1st Deputy Mufti after he unsuccessfully tried to oust Mufti Sheikh Shaban Ramathan Mubaje late last year.

This followed the revelation that Ghaddafi National Mosque was on the verge of being auctioned following a contract gone bad between UMSC and businessman Justus Kyabahwa. Kyabahwa had signed a contract with UMSC buying it’s ranch in Ssembabule at more than Shs 3billion.

However, UMSC failed to hand over the land to Kyabahwa triggering a clause within the agreement that required UMSC to refund the money with interest.

In the fallout that followed, a section of members of the General Assembly sat at Ggangu in Wakiso district and censured Mufti Mubajje replacing him with Ssemmambo.

Mubajje together with UMSC successfully petitioned court that stopped Ssemmambo from taking over as interim Mufti.

What followed was another meeting that censured Ssemmambo in the typical form of hunter becoming the hunted.

The Majlis al Ulama meeting that is sitting at Insan University library at Old Kampala was opened today by Sheikh Mubaje.

Also on the agenda is the approval of new muslim districts and the appointment of new district khadhs among others.

According to UMSC constitution as amended in 2023, the mufti and deputy are appointed by the Majlis al Ulama and are approved by the General Assembly.

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