
Rakai district gets new Kadhi

by Tenywa Wasswa

Sheikh Hamza Ahmad Kabala has been sworn in as the acting district kadhi of Rakai Muslim district replacing Sheikh Sulaiman Luyinda.

Sheikh Kabala who will hold the position on probation for one year, was sworn in by the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council-UMSC Electoral Commission at a function held at Old Kampala.

The Deputy Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa who presided over the function appreciated the outgoing district kadhi for the tremendous work he has done for the Muslim community of Rakai.

He appealed to the leaders in the district to work closely with the newly appointed kadhi to enhance development in their area which has had leadership disputes for a long time.

Sheikh Waiswa also improred the new kadhi to exhibit the highest level of trustworthnes and displine which he said are very key in leadership.

Meanwhile the Secretary General of UMSC Hajji Abas Sekyanzi Muluubya appealed to the Muslims in Rakai to guide the new kadhi instead of involving him in leadership wrangles that have bedevilled the district for so long.

For his part, Sheikh Abdunoor Imran Ssali, the Secretary for Religious affairs thanked the Muslim leaders of Rakai district for trusting UMSC and pledged to continue supporting them.

Speaking after his swearing in, Kabala pleadged to work with all Muslims in Rakai in order to bring to an end the longstanding conflicts.

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