
Ramadhan: FM6OA donates to Kampala’s vulnerable Muslims 

The Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema (FM6OA) has donated an assortment of food items to vulnerable Muslims in the Kampala Metropolitan area as part of the organisation’s charity activities this Ramadhan.

The beneficiaries were mostly persons with disabilities (PWDs), under the Naffe Tusobola (We Too Can), an advocacy civil society organisation for the rights and wellbeing of the PWDs.

Dr Ebraheem Ssali, the president of the FM6OA Uganda branch, pledged the organisation’s continued support to the vulnerable.
“Despite having challenges operating in an economy which is still grappling with the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are ready to support the needy from different categories through their respective groups,” Dr Ssali said.

He lauded the We Too Can Foundation for the job well done in coordinating the initiative to support the PWDs.

On her part, Aisha Matovu, the executive director of We Too Can, urged the government to prioritize inclusive employment where PWDs can also compete with others favourably.

“The government and religious leaders should prioritise the issues of PWDs in terms of development. PWDs have missed out on all the government programmes because they are ignorant about them,” she said.

She added: “Being disabled does not mean that even the brains are disabled, we want to see that we can access the basic needs like other Ugandans, we have PWDs who are professional but they are left out.”

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