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Saudi: Heatwave claimed 1,301 lives during Hajj


Saudi Arabia has broken its silence on the number of casualties that succumbed to heatwaves and sunstroke during this year’s Hajj – the annual holy pilgrimage to Makkah.

The kingdom’s Health minister, Fahd Al-Jalajel said on Sunday that the kingdom had recorded 1,301 deaths, 83 per cent of whom were unauthorized pilgrims.

“The illegal pilgrims walked long distances under direct sunlight, without adequate shelter or comfort. Among the deceased were several elderly and chronically ill individuals,” Al-Jalajel said.

The families of the deceased were contacted before their burial in Makkah.

“Families of the deceased have been notified about the mortalities and all the dead bodies were identified, despite the initial difficulties due to the lack of personal information or identification documents. Proper processes were followed for identification, burial of the death, and issuance of death certificates,” he said.

He stated that the kingdom, through its Ministry of Health,  offered over 1.3 million medical services to the pilgrims during the Hajj of 2024.

Al-Jalajel further said that there were no outbreaks of epidemics or widespread diseases reported among pilgrims during the Hajj owing to the successful execution of health management plan.

The ministry offered approximately 1.3 million preventive services were delivered, including early detection, vaccinations, and medical care upon arrival.

This achievement was made possible through the coordinated efforts of the health system and the Hajj security forces. Notably, the health system provided more than 465,000 specialized treatment services, including 141,000 services to those who didn’t obtain Hajj permit to perform Hajj.

Al-Jalajel said the Saudi health authorities have addressed numerous cases of heat stroke this year, while some people are still undergoing treatment.

At the Grand Mosque in Makkah, temperatures reached 51.8 C (125 F) on June 17, as the more than 1.83 million pilgrims concluded the performance of the Hajj rites.

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