
Sheikh Shiuyo Stresses the Importance of Respecting Leaders and Elders in Islam

Muslims have received counsel on the significance of demonstrating respect towards elders and leaders within their circles, regardless of personal alignment. Sheikh Ali Shiuyo, an Imam at the Gaddafi National Mosque in Old Kampala, emphasized that this practice is a divine mandate as outlined in the Holy Quran.

During his Friday sermon at the National Mosque, Shiuyo conveyed, “Respecting leaders and elders is not a matter of choice; it is a divine command in the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him.”

He voiced concern over the prevailing lack of respect exhibited by the youth, especially on social media platforms, towards leaders and elders. He regarded this behavior as incompatible with Islamic principles, as the Prophet’s teachings provide a comprehensive guide on addressing leaders and elders with due reverence.

Addressing leaders and elders with proper titles is essential. Shiuyo remarked, “It doesn’t cost you a thing to say ‘His Excellency President Yoweri Museveni’.” He emphasized that irrespective of personal sentiments towards a leader, respecting them is obligatory as it aligns with Allah’s command.

Shiuyo recognized that some individuals may believe they are exempt from showing respect to leaders due to past familiarity. However, he emphasized that once someone ascends to a leadership role, they deserve respect in accordance with their elevated status, which Allah has ordained.

The Sheikh advised Muslims to understand their roles within society to avoid creating uncomfortable situations. He underscored the significance of adhering to proper etiquette in places of worship, stating, “When entering a mosque, it’s important to know where to sit as taught by the Prophet. The front row directly behind the Imam is reserved for knowledgeable individuals who can take over if necessary.”

He referred to an incident in Makkah where Imam Sudais seamlessly continued leading prayers after Dr. Mahir Muaqlay fell ill. He urged humility and acceptance of such instructions, citing them as teachings from the Prophet himself.

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