
Sheikh Ssentongo to vacate Kadhi’s office in 3 months

Attempts by Sheikh Sulait Ssentongo to retract his resignation as Masaka district Kadhi were unsuccessful after he failed to convince the district’s Muslim council to give him a second chance.

Attempts by Sheikh Sulait Ssentongo to backtrack on his resignation as Masaka district Kadhi hit a dead end after he failed to convince the district’s Muslim council to give him a second chance.

The council sat on July 10 to discuss, among other things, the Kadhi’s resignation, a month after Sheikh Ssentongo had indicated his wish to resign from office on medical grounds.

In a surprise turn of events, Ssentongo, however, told The Friday Call in a July 5 interview that reports of his desire to retire after only 13 months since he took office were baseless and intended to sow seeds of discord within the Muslim community in Masaka.

He had indeed written to the chairman of the Kibuli-affiliated Muslim district council, Hajji Hamid Ssennoga Ndugga, retracting the resignation letter he had written earlier. But when the council met last week, Ssentongo failed to give satisfactory grounds for his retraction.

“We had no option but to let him go as he had earlier requested, but we asked him to serve until the end of the year as he prepares to hand over the office to the Council of Sheikhs (Majlis Ulma), which will then embark on the process of getting Muslims another leader,” he said.

Sources close to the leadership in Masaka and Kibuli have, however, intimated to us that Ssentongo is to be replaced by Sheikh Badru Wasajja Kiruuta, who recently decamped from the Old Kampala-based administration, where he served as Masaka district Kadhi.

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